Monday, January 01, 2024

What is Your Word, Phrase, Verse for 2024?

First, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!

Then, let me apologize for failing you. I promised a few months ago a post about "The Waiting" which has yet to be finished. And I have several other 'drafts' that have not been completed. Oh, and there is that post from June of 2022 where I promised to reignite this blog.

Oops! But seriously, "life" got in the way. 

One of those incomplete blogs is titled, Be Still... "Be still and know", Psalms 46:10a was my verse for 2023. Not the whole verse...just the first part. Be still and know: yes, that He is God, but also that: He is our provision, that He's 'got this', that He has (had) a buyer for our Texas home, and so much more.

For 2024, my verse is "Thy Word is...", Psalm 119:105a. Yep! Another partial verse that begs me to lean in and learn more about His Word. I feel I have been sorely lacking in spending time in His Word, especially during these last six months. I believe He is telling me to come sit beside Him daily and learn even more about how His Word will guide me in our next adventure we affectionately call Encouraging Roatan. (

Focusing on this 2024 verse started with a Bang! One of our new friends, a missionary on the island, invited her FB friends to join her in a year-long 'read the Bible through chronologically' Bible study...that starts TODAY!  Of course, I said Yes to her and, more importantly, to the Lord.

So, while it's true that Thy Word is a lamp until my path, it's so much more.

And today, Thy Word is: a connection to new friends in a new place.


What word, phrase, or verse are you focusing on this year? How will use that verse to lean in and learn what our Loving Lord is teaching you? How will you share that knowledge with others in 2024?

By your words I can see where I’m going;
    they throw a beam of light on my dark path. Psalm:119:105 MSG
“Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 AMP